New "Deep Dive" Podcast Episode 23: Smith and Landau's The Secret Gospel of Mark: A Controversial Scholar, a Scandalous Gospel of Jesus, and the Fierce Debate over Its Authenticity (Part Five)

Podcast 23


The source text is a section from a book about the discovery and reception of the “Secret Gospel of Mark” by biblical scholar Geoffrey Smith. The text traces Smith’s journey from his initial discovery of the document in 1958 to its eventual publication in 1973. The author details Smith’s meticulous research process, his conclusion that the “Secret Gospel” contains authentic teachings from Jesus, and the controversy that ensued when Smith attempted to publish his findings. The text explores the reactions of Smith’s colleagues, the initial rejection of his book by Oxford University Press, and the eventual publication of the book by Harvard University Press. 

The Secret Gospel of Mark and Early Christianity 

The Secret Gospel of Mark, as discussed in the sources, provides potential insights into the early Christian movement and its relationship with Judaism, but it's important to note that these insights are subject to debate and controversy. 

● One key area of potential insight is the question of whether Jesus taught a "libertine gospel," meaning that the coming of the kingdom of God ended the need for literal observance of the law of Moses. 

○ Smith believed that the Secret Gospel supported this idea, pointing to the young man's nocturnal, near-naked visit to Jesus to learn the "mystery of the kingdom of God." ○ He interpreted this as a mystical baptismal rite that freed initiates from the law. 

○ This view challenged the traditional understanding that Jesus and his early followers were law-observant Jews, with Paul being the primary figure associated with breaking away from Mosaic law. 

● The potential implications of the Secret Gospel for understanding early Christianity's relationship with Judaism are significant. ○ If Smith's interpretation is correct, it suggests a much earlier and more radical break between Jesus's teachings and traditional Judaism than previously thought. ○ It also raises questions about the relationship between Jesus's teachings and those of his disciples, particularly those who opposed Paul's rejection of the law. 

● However, it's crucial to acknowledge the controversy surrounding the Secret Gospel of Mark. 

○ Some scholars, including Pierson Parker, argued that the Secret Gospel was not an authentic writing of Mark but a later, second-century apocryphal text. 

○ They believed Clement was misled by this text and that it didn't provide genuine insights into Jesus's life or teachings. 

○ Additionally, Smith's interpretation of the Secret Gospel as evidence of a "libertine" Jesus was met with resistance, with some, like David Daube, finding it religiously objectionable. 

● Therefore, while the Secret Gospel of Mark offers tantalizing possibilities for understanding the early Christian movement and its relationship with Judaism, these possibilities are intertwined with significant scholarly debate and controversy. 

○ Further research and analysis are needed to reach definitive conclusions about its authenticity and implications. 

○ It's essential to consider the various perspectives and arguments surrounding this text before drawing any firm conclusions about its meaning and significance.
